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WIFS 2015

7th IEEE International Workshop on
Information Forensics and Security

Rome, Italy, 16-19 November, 2015

Thematic Meeting

Multimedia Truthfulness Verification in Legal Environment and Social Media

WIFS 2015, Roma, Italy, 16 November 2015, Afternoon: 14:15-18:30

Organizers: Prof. M. Barni (Univ. of Siena), Prof. A. Piva (Univ. of Firenze), Dr. A. De Rosa (FORLAB - Univ. of Firenze)

Truthfulness and trustworthiness verification of multimedia objects like audio tracks, digital images and video sequences has or should have a key role in our daily life. Audio-visual data are nowadays valuable sources of information: due to the diffusion of digital devices able of easily acquiring audio tracks and visual contents, each of us may become an active participant in the production of knowledge; furthermore, internet and social media make this knowledge shared and distributed. We can say that we live in a network of sensors, network of people, network of knowledge.

The quality of information in this new scenario changes its meaning and its verification process, due to the multimedia form of the information and its networked sharing. Multimedia data can be easily manipulated and false information easily disseminated on the web, thus making difficult to understand if digital information are a trustworthy representation of reality. Advanced technologies coming from the Multimedia Forensics have been successfully proposed in the last decade for restoring trust in multimedia data: by studying the history of audio-visual contents, such scientific methods provide useful information on the origin of such data as well as on the modifications they have suffered.

Although the awareness of truthfulness of what we see should be always important, in some scenarios it becomes mandatory to allow the exploitation of user-generated contents as source of information. In particular, we focus on two critical scenarios: the legal environment in which audio-visual data are more and more considered as potential digital evidences, and the social media that allows the democratic participation to the generation of information.

To make Multimedia Forensics effective for the trustworthiness verification of multimedia data in real contexts as the legal and the social, its application should be adapted to such practical scenarios far from the ideal laboratory conditions usually considered by researchers: to this aim the first step is to promote the communication between the different players involved in the legal and social environments, in order to collect the particular requirements and constraints dictated by end-users and their operational framework. E.g. scientific methodologies must be compatible with the requirements for digital evidence examination and admission to a court of law; e.g. the process to verify the quality of information in a social media must consider a bottom-up approach involving the social potential.

The thematic meeting will thus be organized as an open discussion, in which the different components from the legal, social and technological parts will share their expertise, questions, requirements.


14:15 Opening M. Barni and A. Piva
14:30 Technologies A short introduction to Multimedia Forensics: the science discovering the history of multimedia contents (S. Battiato, Univ. of Catania)
15:00 Legal Environment 15.00: The point of view of Law Enforcement Agencies (G. Tessitore, Servizio Polizia Scientifica)
15.20: The point of view of Court of Law (F. Sarzana di S.Ippolito, Sarzana & Partners Law Firm)
15.40: The point of view of Industries (C.-T. Li, Functional Technologies Ltd)
16.00: Standards and Guidelines for authenticity verification (M. Fontani, FORLAB)
16:20 Coffee Break
16:50 Social Media 16.50: Social Media and News (J. Spangenberg, Deutsche Welle & REVEAL project)
17.20: Web and Social Media Verification (M. Zampoglou, CERTH-ITI)
17:40 Panel Moderators: M. Barni and A. Piva
18:30 Closing M. Barni and A. Piva

Participation is free, but it is required to send an email to [email protected] to register for the Thematic Meeting

Thematic Meeting - PDF version

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Important Dates

  • Proposals Deadlines
  • Regular Paper July 19, 2015
  • Demo Sept. 6, 2015
                              July 6, 2015
  • Ongoing work Sept. 6, 2015
                              July 6, 2015
  • SPL/TIFS Paper Sept. 6, 2015
                              July 6, 2015
  • Camera-ready Sept. 21, 2015
  • Notifications
  • Paper Aug. 31, 2015
  • Demo Sept. 20, 2015
  • Ongoing work Sept. 20, 2015
  • Registration Deadlines
  • Early registr. Oct. 9, 2015
  • Author registr. Oct. 16, 2015


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