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WIFS 2015

7th IEEE International Workshop on
Information Forensics and Security

Rome, Italy, 16-19 November, 2015


It is our pleasure to announce that we will be able to support a limited number of students to attend the IEEE WIFS 2015 Conference in Rome, Italy. The grants will be awarded to a limited number of applicants who have a genuine need for support, and the paper quality will be taken into consideration. IEEE SPS membership is required at the time when the application is made. The grants can only be used to cover the travel expenses for applicants to attend the conference. The grants, if approved, will be on a reimbursement basis following instructions given to the grantees. The SPS travel grant selection and oversight committees reserve the right to make the final decision regarding all applications.

The important dates are as follows:

  • Applications open: September 11, 2015, 11:59 PM EST
  • Applications close: September 25, 2015, 11:59 PM EST
  • Decisions announced: October 2, 2015

All applications must be submitted by sending an email to [email protected], using the provided WIFS 2015 Travel Grant Form. Each SPS Travel Grant application must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from your supervisor(s) or senior colleague(s) familiar with your work. Applicants will be notified of the decision. Successful applicants should make their own travel arrangements and keep receipts; they will receive detailed instructions on grant payment.


  • in order for your application to be considered, current SPS membership is required at the time of application;
  • only a limited number of grants will be awarded, and on a highly competitive basis;
  • the grants will be awarded to applicants who have a genuine need for support, and the paper quality may be taken into consideration;
  • the grants can only be used to cover the travel expenses for applicants to attend the approved conference/event. The grants, if approved, will be on a reimbursement basis at the conference;
  • all applications should be submitted by sending an email to [email protected], using the provided WIFS 2015 Travel Grant Form;
  • applicants will be notified of the decision by email. Successful applicants will be notified with further instructions;
  • region classification for the purpose of travel grant selection includes: Region 1-7 US and Canada, Region 8a (Europe), Region 8b (Middle East and Africa), Region 9 Latin America, Region 10 Asia Pacific;
  • the SPS travel grant selection and oversight committees reserve the right to make the final decision regarding all applications.

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Important Dates

  • Proposals Deadlines
  • Regular Paper July 19, 2015
  • Demo Sept. 6, 2015
                              July 6, 2015
  • Ongoing work Sept. 6, 2015
                              July 6, 2015
  • SPL/TIFS Paper Sept. 6, 2015
                              July 6, 2015
  • Camera-ready Sept. 21, 2015
  • Notifications
  • Paper Aug. 31, 2015
  • Demo Sept. 20, 2015
  • Ongoing work Sept. 20, 2015
  • Registration Deadlines
  • Early registr. Oct. 9, 2015
  • Author registr. Oct. 16, 2015


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